Cross Eyed Life

August 5, 2008

He writes stuff like this (excerpted from ‘Is this God’s Will or Indigestion’) —

… problem is that there really are no easy decisions, period. By the way, if you end a sentence with the word ‘period’ follow by the punctuation mark also named as such, is that officially redundant? OK, there may be a few easy decisions out there, but they are never about major things. Where are we going to eat tonight? Does this dress make me look fat? What’s on TV? These are all questions that we either already have the answers to, or really don’t need the answers to. But, the major decisions of life; the big ones that come along about jobs, love, life, kids, money and all that other high stress stuff, those decisions are never big fat slow softball pitches over the middle. Those decisions are always tough ones. Why couldn’t the choices be more like these: I could stay at this job that I hate, or move to my dream position for three times the cash and the beach house…hmmm I could stay single and searching, or I could marry this drop dead gorgeous supermodel with the morals of Mother Theresa who keeps throwing herself at me… hmmm I could continue to wander spiritually wondering what to do with my life, or I could open up this glowing letter with the return address marked Heaven that has been floating in my living room for the last month… hmmm

Still reading?  (What’s it take to get you to check it out?)

  • I notice he signs “Seeking more of Him and less of me,”
  • He pastors a church with a very cool additional site — Venue 302
  • And I’m not completely certain, but I think I remember him wearing a mullet in the 80’s.

We can find something in the constitution of another which helps us aspire… to take one better step in our walk with Christ, whether “another” be across the street, or right down the internet.  How often are you — am I — brave enough to earnestly pray, “Not my will, but Thine.”

Link:  AJ’s dot com.

Check out AJ’s blog.  The following small glimpse was enough to draw in this Christ-follower:

While learning about biblical Hebrew, systematic theology, and what the heck the Baptist General Convention is, God hijacked my dream to pastor a young, hip, collegiate church (it was the cool thing to dream that year) and replaced it with the puzzling, nagging desire to start a new church plant that would take the gospel into a part of Kansas City where people weren’t hearing it. I started considering the Bible pattern of putting God’s truth out there in culturally targeted ways that didn’t dull the gospel’s ability to make your jaw drop. I started thinking about what a new church could look like and started talking to people about starting one.

So I have to imagine how this may have happened:

God comes to AJ, “Son, I know you’ve always wanted to lead a college church, and I want you to be happy.  However, I would really like you to go to Kansas City for something more challenging.  Would you do that?  For Me?”

AJV:  “Lord (and AJ means it when he uses this name for the sovereign — the One who knew him in the womb), You got it.  I’m Your man.  We’ll go.”

That we should all be obedient.  Who’s dream are you living?

Creative Chaos: Buckhead

March 27, 2008

Carlos presents the above from Buckhead Church. A team of creatives put it together for presentation at their Good Friday service. Check out his Creative Chaos weekly. Create. Worship.

Geeks and God Podcast

March 22, 2008

Link: Geeks and God.  Succinct, no?  What do you think they talk about?

In Bob and Matt’s own words, G&G “educates and encourages technology in christian ministries.”  They have wit … they got God … what can I say, bring ’em on!  (Do check them out.  Really.)  Recent casts:

  • online teaching;
  • a pastor’s perspective on community;
  • geeks in the church; and
  • wysiwyg editors

And have a look at the Geeks and God Web Conference (July 24-26) they’re anticipating; registration is underway.


The kids love the lunar module (like the caves on

either side of the stage, it serves as backstage entrance/exit)



The Reef: K-2nd Grade

March 13, 2008

reef1.jpg Indeed, that is a full-size shipwreck (with a soundboard incorporated in the aft section).

reef2.jpg This is the ocean floor (cave included, which serves as entrances/exits to backstage). It is even more phenomenal with the lights low and the water-ripple projectors turned on!

The Jungle: Pre-K

March 13, 2008


I know where I would want to go if I were 4 !

Discovery Unlimited

March 13, 2008

When enough motivated people share a vision to reach kids for Christ, amazing things can begin to happen. Look at what Lawrence Free Methodist Church has put together with the very talented help of Real Fake Buildings.
What an amazing bunch of spaces have been provided for reaching young people!

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.