Context (and soccer in Heaven)

September 11, 2008

So, remember high school?  Crisis to crisis, each one the very end of the world, right?  So we thought.

Consider this:  When you’ve been on high, in Heaven for about 200 years, and you’re out one afternoon playing soccer on a pitch more perfect than you had ever imagined, maybe it will finally be really sinking in how your short life on earth was really all about worship and sharing.  In that day, you’ll be looking back with a little smile thinking, “wow – when I walked the earth, I was awfully busy bouncing from crisis to crisis, juggling, job, kids’ extracurricular stuff, mortgage, service clubs, networking, weekend trips here and there … how did I busy myself so with all that schedule stuff that I lost sight from time to time; I was fearfully and wonderfully made, uniquely designed to worship; how did I so often forget that?”

Learn today from that hypothetical look-back.  Call it ‘forest for the trees’ call it ‘soccer in Heaven’ — whatever you like, but do this:  look past a lower-case life and look on your upper-case Life, turn your eyes up and out, to a much broader horizon.  Find real focus.

(Footnote:  Pray today.  Acknowledge to the true Sovereign that you do not understand, but that you trust The Great I Am to make September 11 better, to take what it means to so many and use it somehow to His Glory.  Don’t give into temptation, don’t ‘politely’ suggest to God how He should handle it, because guess what?  He’s already looked so far beyond it.  Healing human hurt … pretty much his expertise.  Pray.  Do it now.)

Just learned a lesson from my daughter.  And she wasn’t even trying.

She was enjoying a special princess movie.  Having seen that one, I recognized the villain and quipped, “Isn’t that the mean lady?”

Her reply:  “Daddy.  No, she just does mean things sometimes.”

Boy, sometimes they really find you where you live.

I can still learn.

You can too.

Cardboard Testimonies

July 18, 2008

[Share the words on your own cardboard sign — ‘before and after’.  Post anonymous if you like; just share!]

**I’ll bet you’ve never read Cross Eyed Life ! Check out a great one by Andy Addison!**

Link: We Need a New Language :  a fellow blogger posted something a few days back, and I hope I’m not out of line by quoting it in full.  Please see “A Soul Searching” for this:

We need a new language to describe God
How can a creature know what it means to be God?
How can a fish describe what it is like to be a horse?
God is beyond naming
I am who am – Yahweh – I don’t have a name – I don’t need one
God is more than a being
“God is love” may be the least inaccurate way of describing God

What does this mean? Perhaps
It means that God is more verb than noun
More a spirit than a being
God is a decision

God is a decision to bring unconditional love to every situation
We do God by bringing love to our relationships
God is a decision to embrace the good in others despite their shortcomings
We seek to do God’s will – the next loving thing
God works through people
To know God, love yourself and give yourself away

If you love yourself and your neighbor, you love God
Jesus is the great example of how to love, how to live
Whoever believes in love, believes in God
God is alive within you when you live to love

“No one could tell me where my Soul might be.
I searched for God, but God eluded me.
I sought my Brother out, and found all three.”
— Ernest Howard Crosby

Thank God

May 18, 2008

(It’s not a figure of speech. Ever.)

We thank him for grace and mercy, for the ultimate gift, for the amazing sunset … but on occasion we look past the miracles right under our noses.

Today, at snacktime, take a second look across your couch; thank the One who tells the sun when to set for the little glowbugs in your life:

Associated Press reports: Connecticut boy takes off Favre jersey for good after 4 yrs

“GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) — Finally, David Witthoft shunned his Brett Favre jersey for the first time in 1,581 days.

The Ridgefield, Conn. boy, 12, wore the No. 4 jersey every day since receiving it as a gift for Christmas in 2003. David’s father, Chuck Witthoft, said Monday that his son’s last day wearing the jersey was April 23 — his 12th birthday. …”

So, you know where this is going. What are you wearing? Does it surround you, permeate your daily life such that people cannot help but notice? No doubt, as he walked through their day, folks said, “there goes David — he sure loves Favre.”

Google Image

Here comes the take-away: As you encounter others today, what are you leaving with them? If you are leaving folks with “he/she sure loves _____”, how does the phrase end for you. Are you so proud of your Saviour that you just have to let it out. What’s on your shirt? WHO
is on your shirt?

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
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I met God

April 24, 2008

And I mean literally.  When I walked out this morning He was right in front of me.

I didn’t hear for a second, but then it was clear … he was reminding me:  look what I can do.

Have you seen God today?